Septimus Heap Wiki

Halloween Frame

Halloween Title

Today is the 31st of October which is All Hallows Eve more commonly known as Halloween. All Hallows originated from Celtic harvest festivals before being adopted into the Christian calendar as a three-day ‘opportunity’ to worship all the dead saints (hallows), martyrs and other faithful dead. It has taken on another twist to become the secular festival we all know and love today


Dragons Alpha

Me: I was (kind of) getting there

It is typical for me to begin this blog post by talking about the draconic alliance (I did it last time - I am also continuing the tradition of being late but never mind) but as a group of wikis that includes both vampedia and WereWiki, it would be silly for us to neglect them on today of all days and so we are going to start with them.

If you are only interested in how Halloween pertains to dragons please click here.

The Draconic League


Werewolves, need I say more?

Able to transform on a full moon these creatures walk through the woods of Scandinavia, continental Europe and even parts of the UK. Their claws and jaw spread a virus that can transform people into a werewolf themselves.

Read more about werewolves here.


Extract from vampedia’s wonderful article on vampires:

A vampire is a being from folklore that subsists by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of Blood) of the living. In European folklore, vampires were undead beings that often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited when they were alive. They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance, markedly different from today's gaunt, pale, and an elegant vampire which dates from the early 19th century.

Vampiric entities have been recorded in most cultures; the term vampire, previously an arcane subject, was popularized in the West in the early 19th century, after an influx of vampire superstition into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe; local variants were also known by different names, such as shtriga in Albania, vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania. This increased level of vampire superstition in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some cases resulted in corpses being staked and people being accused of vampirism.

The Draconic Alliance

Dragons Wiki

People don’t know whether shadow dragons are native to shadowfell, the dungeons and dragons plane of the shadow, or were simply transformed by the time they spent there. Some have now moved to the continent of Faerûn, the main setting of the Forgotten Realms, where they inhabit the passages under our feet known as the Underdark along with dark places on the surface such as ruins and dark forests.

They have black translucent scales to help them camouflage in the shadows as they wait for their prey which they kill with a gas from which none can escape. Having killed their victim they then consume their soul and hoard their bones. Only sorcerers dare approach these creatures which are fortunately rare.

Read more about dungeons and dragons’ dragons here.

The Dragon Handbook

Death dragons wander through the world, rising out of their caves at night (as they can be killed instantly by the sun) to scavenge on dead bodies. Woe betides anyone who crosses these dark skeletal creatures as they paralyse people with their eyes before devouring them alive. They are at their greatest power during a full moon and so are sometimes confused with werewolves.

Contribute to a dragon fannon wiki here.

Dragonology Wiki

Have you ever seen a basilisk? You may have seen one for definite (by following its poisonous tracks and checking by watching spiders and swallows flee from it) but you can never be sure you haven’t. Why? They shapeshift.

Hiding in the form of another dragon or as an inconspicuous animal they move around the world stealthily hidden from those who might wish them harm, devouring their prey after hypnotising it with its green eyes.

Although Basilisks are not evil per se, they are shapeshifting and highly aggressive making them a grave danger to any dragonologist attempting to study such a creature. It is best to defend yourself with a mirror as when confronted by a dragonologist and its own reflection the basilisk invariably decides to attack its own reflection.

Read more about the scientific study of dragons here.

I am afraid despite my best efforts I have still missed several wikis (namely the inheritance cycle wiki so if you are from one of the Wikis not included and have something to add then please contact me in the comments I have linked to bellow.

For comments click here

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